Management Consulting
Business Transformation Services
Strategic Planning
DPI delivers strategic planning facilitation services that unleash new sources of innovation, align people around relevant goals and objectives, and set performance targets that are actionable and can be monitored over time. DPI facilitates strategic planning efforts that are developed using the collective wisdom of your organization. In developing strategic plans, we facilitate the formulation of vision, mission, goals, and objectives and validate alignment with strategic drivers. Our strategic planning approach engages people through data collection methods such as surveys, interviews, and working sessions. Our facilitated sessions use creative techniques to promote involvement and achieve momentum. Defining performance metrics to monitor performance and operational plans build a foundation for solid execution.
Decision Support
DPI members are experts in decision support systems and methodologies that support efficient and structured organizational decision-making activities. We structure decision models with input from different stakeholder groups who usually bring different perspectives. Our facilitation support enables teams can prioritize decision criteria and efficiently score qualitative and quantitative information. The result is a clear list of alternatives scored according to the prioritized criteria. Our team also supports visualization of data, analysis or alternatives, trade off analysis, sensitivity analysis, and scenario planning. Our decision support services combine models and analytical techniques with traditional data management tools such as Excel and other databases. The facilitated process emphasizes ease of use and consensus building. This provides flexibility and adaptability to accommodate environmental changes and “what-if” scenarios in the decision-making process. We also support resource allocation and optimization of any type of resources as part of our decision support services.
Human Capital
Aligning an organization’s structure, processes, and human capital with its strategy and long-term plan is key to organizational success. This is particularly critical when facing uncertainty, completing a new strategic plan, restructuring, expanding, or outsourcing key capabilities. DPI has solid experience in providing organizational design support to federal agencies. Our approach is based in defining differentiation in departmental units and integration or unity of effort in the organization’s operations. Our team has formulated transition strategies that take an organization from a current situation to a more desirable future state. Our approach increases the stakeholders’ willingness and ability to promote understanding of the need for change, participation in the change process, and commitment to the organization’s success.
Change Management
System implementations and processes usually fail because of lack of adoption of systems by users and organizations. DPI brings change management frameworks that focus first on leading the people side of change to achieve a desired outcome. As a result, people feel engaged in the change process and work collectively towards a common objective while building processes and training that address organizational needs, technical, and mission requirements.
Business Process Management
DPI uses Business Process Reengineering to help organizations rethink their business processes. Through our deep understanding of federal environments, rigorous data-driven analysis, and objective assessments, we assist clients in identifying changes that will have the greatest positive impact. Additionally, knowing the financial constraints most agencies are under, we use approaches and tools, such as Lean Six Sigma, that are customized to our clients’ priorities and budgets.