Housing and Urban Development
Internal Controls, Enterprise Risk Management, Change Management, Strategic Communications, Training
HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH) is responsible for administering and managing a range of programs, including the Public Housing Operating Fund, Public Housing Capital Fund, and Housing Choice Vouchers. These programs provide funding and regulatory oversight to approximately 4,100 Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), which in turn provide affordable housing to nearly 3.5 million lower-income households across the U.S. To help manage the risks associated with its public housing programs. PIH is in the process of developing and implementing an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) program. DPI supported PIH with the design and implementation of its ERM program.
- Formulated a change management, strategic communications, and stakeholder outreach plan
- Formulated SOPs and business processes to implement risk management processes related to the ERM program
- Designed curriculum and delivered training at HUDs 10 regions